
Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to try to keep everyone updated on everything about me, as well as mommy and daddy. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My first 5k race

Tonight, mommy and daddy ran a 5k road race with me. Daddy pushed me during the race and mommy ran right next to us. It was so exciting I fell asleep halfway through! Mommy and daddy had a great time running the    race and might do it again next Friday.
I'm feeling a little better after having a double ear infection earlier in the week. Mommy stayed home with me two days to take care of me. We had a couple of sleepless nights so hopefully we can catch up on our sleep this weekend. It should be a fun weekend with a birthday party to go to Saturday and visiting with my friend Piper on Sunday.


  1. Where are pictures of that precious one?!?!

  2. I know running runs in the family and before long Molly will be pushing daddy along, instead of vice versa. Grandpa Jim
