
Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to try to keep everyone updated on everything about me, as well as mommy and daddy. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A review of the past week

We had a lot going on last week. Their were three really nice days and mommy took me to the park on those days. It was so much fun to hanging out in the swing and having mommy push me. Mommy also had me playing in the big sandbox there. I don't quite understand what sand is, but I had a lot of fun playing with it.

Katie, Keenan, and Wyatt were in Virginia last week so we got together with them one night. I was still recovering from a cold so I didn't get to close to Wyatt.
We got our new running stroller on Wednesday, so daddy took me out with him for a run on Thursday. I usually take a nap when I'm out in the stroller, but I was having so much fun in the new stroller I stayed awake for the whole 4 miles. Daddy said it took a little time to get used to pushing the stroller, but it didn't slow him down much at all. This morning we went on a walk and daddy snapped a picture of me finally asleep in the stroller.
Look at how close the plane came to us-
Here I am in my Sunday best for church yesterday. Thanks auntie Jessica E for the super-cute outfit!

And we saved the best news for last. On Saturday I said my first words!! Da-da of course! Mommy and daddy love hearing me say it. They are trying to get it on video, but I guess I haven't cooperated to well. Maybe sometime soon they will catch it on video.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Molly on your first word. Are you sure it wasn't Granpa, dadda is close though. Be careful of those planes coming so close to you. You are so beautiful and getting more everyday. Thank da da for posting your new blog and keep up the running with dada. Love always Granpa.
