
Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to try to keep everyone updated on everything about me, as well as mommy and daddy. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm proud of my family

Last weekend daddy and Grandpa Jim both completed the Marine Corp Marathon, and mommy and Aunt Whitney completed it as a team with mommy doing the first 18 miles and Aunt Whitney doing the final 8.2 miles. Grams took care of me while everyone was busy running.

This past Saturday when mommy and daddy were taking me on a walk, they stopped at a park and gave me my first ride in a swing. It was so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the Marathon Runners but especially of Molly of her first swing ride. I am so proud of having the most beautiful baby in the world as my grandbaby. Gramps
